I'm not a Laker fan because I truly hate Kobe Bryant. But now that Artest is in town... I might have to convert. DONT FUCK WITH ARTEST NUKKAH. I'm torn.
I think the only definative that exists in my world of LA sports is that the Clippers are the saddest bunch of bastards ever.
If you are a fan of the Clippers be prepared to eat shit for the rest of your tenure as a fan. Somehow the Clippers are one of the most profitable teams in the NBA yet still seem to have the shittiest squad every conceived. Not only are their players mediocre, to which they will perform slightly better than their market value (somehow giving the franchise longer viablity), but their entire staff, top to bottom is mediocre. I had to look into it myself and the only real evidience i need to submit is the pictures of their "spirit girls" on their website.

For chrisssake, this is Los Angeles. I've seen homeless people better looking than that.
Bottom line, I will never be a Clipper fan. The Clippers only stand for corporate greed, middle of the pack economics. Plus they got a bunch of boner shrinkers on their cheer squad.

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