the etymology of the term is a reference to malaria, but is an expression used to establish hegemony of empire vs. colony/ white vs. native/ cracker vs. chocolate. "Jungle Fever" is quite specifically a one way street, and that's why its racist. Therefore, mr. kim, I must beg to differ. Infact, the "fever" is to infact express disdain for WHITE ppl falling for the "opposite race" if we both agree that there are only 2 races from which to choose.
i didn't invent this shit, i just studied it at a liberal ass school. plus i know wesley snipes, we was chillin on the 6 talkin mo money mo money mo money (or was it one of the wayans brothers? i dunno they all look alike to me<-- see NAS!! that's how you bust the ironic shit, son!)
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