NPR has a host of great podcasts. There are oodles of useless facts that you can pick up from "Wait, wait, wait..." and "Things you missed in history class." And of course there are the music oriented Podcasts. Music-casts tend to be boring mixes of songs you've heard well enough. Why sit around and listen to someone else put together songs that you kinda like?
One such music cast is actually pretty entertaining, Mixtapeshow.
Its nice to hear people speak eloquently about nonsensical topics. The disconnect between pertinent and pedantic always tickles me. I find myself bobbing my head in my office. Sometimes to hackneyed hiphop rhythms, sometimes in agreement with inapropos logic. But this last episode is all wrong.
Skeeter was not black.

I'm not saying this because of some sort of home team jingoist shit. The facts stand alone. Lemme chop it up:
1. He was definitely a minority. The color of his skin is clear indication. Skeeter is blue (race is in question). Mr. Dink was purple-- he was definitely a jew (kinky hair, weirdly spaced teeth, and the inexplicably thick hymie accent).
2. Dude dresses like a chump, that's not black, but it is "recent immigrant-y." Now we all know that brothas love the loud colors but don't be fooled. Asians were all about it too. Remember wearing bright ass Nautical Fleeces, and rolling the sleeves up? Yeah, you do.
3. Homie Loves weird ass food. Refer to the episode where they eat dinner at the Valentine pad, and Doug gets sick cuz the food is weird. I only remember the episode because it spoke to me so profoundly. That's why I don't invite white people to my crib, I make those fools wait outside. It's just easier that way.
So if you break it down, Skeeter was some sort of Asian. I'd say most likely he was Indian or Paki. And if you listen to his voice, he kinda sounds like that Indian kid that lived down the street from me. You know the one, he lived by you too.
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