Friday, May 25, 2012


I have no idea what free radicals are. I do know they exist. I know through osmosis and the sheer will of some marketing guru that I should drink their Acai berry flavored drinks to combat renegade free radicals that want nothing more than to harm me and the American way of life. There is a mass of knowledge that I know incontrovertibly-- free of the thumb-tacs and yarn that connect said knowledge from the scientific reasoning (read: suppositioning, testing, hypothesizing) that would define that knowledge's existence as a wrinkle in my brain. I know because I know. It is knowledge because I have it. The epistemology of that thought is confounding. Yet the amount of conditioning required for me to know certain things as true can't be all that much. I know that Katy Perry is a whore that likes to be choked out. I know that Ron Artest masturbates with his socks on. I also know that there is a framework around what I KNOW as true because it was implanted in my head, yet outside that frame is what is actual truth. To actually find my way outside of the framework into true truth is only as necessary as my urge to hate people. What does that mean? It means that the MATRIX is bullshit. If any man achieved enlightenment because he was shown the truth and that the world he once knew was a complete facade-- i'm pretty sure he'd go back into that fake world and donkey fuck the shit out of everything. Why? Because there is no calamity if you destroy a world that is fake-- dude... its fake. Oh but wait, what's the point in trying to destroy something vehemently that is of no consequence? I keeps up on my cardio my nig but that's a lot of work, b. In other words, being ignorant is easier. Ignorance is that $10 tip you give at a massage parlor to get a tug job because its just way easier than doing it yourself. All these things make sense to me. What doesn't make sense is FAT bitches from the south that have no skills in debate standing in front of a camera working oh so hard to not make a point. I grow bored of trying to pontificate on a point that I actually have no stake in. I'm not gay sooo I don't really give a fuck. So my point is... fat bitches should keep quiet.


And that is how you blog half heartedly.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


i'm pretty sure chief keef says "A FART NIGGA THAT'S THAT SHIT WE DON'T LIKE." which make this the best song ever.