Remember when you were 10 lbs slimmer and blogging was new? I don't. But being fat and uninspired is kind of my thing.
I have vowed to battle one of my archenemies in the blogging arena. My rogues gallery consists mostly of cardio machines and heavy set mexicans making out on the corner of my block (the city really should burn down all the bus stops as a public health precaution). But my ultimate nemesis, Mr. Bong Nam (lazyswayze.com), insists that he's a better blogger than I am (potentially).
I laugh. We all know that if there is anything I'm well equipped for, its making snide observations and internet banging. I can drop more 4 letter words in run on sentences than a new york cabbie in a hit and run.
I must admit, I am at a disadvantage. I don't own a digital camera. So, I will be forced to use my MS paint skills. Its like the etcher-sketch for the computer generation. But man, can I doodle me a goofy looking penis-- love stains and all.
With that said, I am off to observe the world at large.
-Mr. Headright
P.S. This is a bad idea.